
Build Separate Docker Images

douglowe opened this issue · 2 comments

Following the examples of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36808396/how-to-create-new-docker-image-based-on-existing-image and https://github.com/bioexcel/gromacs-docker it would be good to build multiple docker images, for each of the following tool combinations.

  1. WRF + WPS

These should all be based on a root image containing:

  • zlib
  • hdf5
  • netCDF C
  • netCDF fortran
  • libpng (WRF + WPS only?)
  • JasPer (WRF + WPS only?)

This is a great idea - I had vaguely considered it earlier but not had the energy to do it!

I take it 1a6bbd1 implements this?

Yep - it's implemented in that PR.

Currently set up for local builds. For GROMACS docker the build is run using github actions, and pushing the intermediate images to dockerhub - so that these can be retrieved later for building the final images. Longterm we should probably do this (but for now the local fix is sufficient).