[VPS-165](0.1) Scenes are tagged with a specific role indicating that only certain roles can play through that scene (UI Only - No Saving))
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JordanBlenn commented
AS A: Scenario Creator
I WANT: To be able to identify which scenes can only be played through by certain roles
SO THAT: I don't get confused while designing and accidentally assign the wrong scene to the wrong role.
- in the "Scene Settings" area (on the right hand side of the edit scene pane), there is an option of "Scene Role(s)'
- When this scene role is selected, it opens a dropdown list and allows you to select which roles (out of the possible roles generated when a .csv is uploaded) are able to play this scene
- If no roles are available (i.e. no CSV file has been uploaded), when the dropdown list is opened it generates an error and prompts the user with a message: "This scenario currently does not accommodate role(s), please upload a CSV file first under Manage Groups."
- By default (i.e. when a new scene is created), every role is selected and 'Scene Role(s)' displays "All"
- If specific roles are selected instead, 'Scene Role(s)' displays a comma-separated list of the active roles (which truncated after it runs out of space e.g. "Doctor, Nur..."
Technical Discussion:
- while you're working in this section, if you could tidy up the "Scene Timer Duration" in the "Scene Settings" so they no longer overlap each other that would be amazing (if this isn't already fixed by #167). Otherwise we'll leave this for another bug/issue.
- Blocked by #154 and the creation of roles in that story
- Backend linking for this will come in #166