
Suggest an editor

Closed this issue · 3 comments

As part of the submission, we get to suggest an editor. There are two (Tania Allard and Pjotr Prins) that are listed as topic editors for reproducible science on the editorial board. There are a few others that mention reproducible science in their blurbs (Melissa Gymrek, Karthik Ram (also an ecologist), Ariel Rokem), so we could pick one of those five.

Does anyone have a preference or know of anyone on the list that would be a good choice? I only recognize Yo Yehudi from the Mozilla mentorship programs, but I did not really interact with her much there. I am leaning towards Karthik because he is also an ecologist, but Melissa or Tania also seem like good choices.

I'll include Karthik as the suggested editor. Thanks for looking into this.

The link you provided was from JOSS, not JOSE.

There are two editors that seem relevant: Juan Klopper and Tracy Teal. I think I'll choose Tracy Teal, since she is also part of Data Carpentry.

Doh! Sorry about that clumsy mistake. Tracy Teal looks suitable!