
Audio jitter one source startup (Changing scenes)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm getting some really bad audio stuttering whenever the source actives. same when I change to my scene that has the source (I'm using it as a background music shuffler in my chatting screen). Not sure if it's because it's audio only and not for videos. Any help would be greatly welcome.

I think this is an issue independent of the tool. I have an alert source from a bot that plays mp3 file and they often stutter when they start playing. So i don't have any information on how to fix that myself either.

So this might get fixed in OBS 27.1 so waiting might just be the solution.
I also read that if you set a custom frame rate on the browser source it might help in the meantime
For what its worth, your viewers shouldn't hear this stutter.

Closing due to staleness