
3.3.0 Checks more than just sub directories for files

RogueRaiden opened this issue · 4 comments

In my setup I have several folders next to each other for different scenes such as Background Clips and BRB Clips, with their own generated html files. Seems its reading directories outside of the one it is in and not just sub directories.

So right now there's an issue with OBS and how I store the state of the playlist which doesn't let you use this more than once. I'm going to try to get a fix out for this in 3.3.1.
Can you confirm whether the HTML files being generated are correct and it's just that in OBS your sources are behaving weirdly?

Before the recent OBS issues with all this, the separate folders with multiple setups worked great. Now both sources show the same set of clips, but not the same order. If I click the "refresh browser cache" enough times with the erroring source, it switches both sources to the other set of clips.

Yea that's the issue attempted to describe above and need to create a fix for.

What is happening is that I store the playlist queue state in the browser's localstorage and this is set per-domain.
OBS changed how they read files or something so now the "domain" for all browser sources for local files looks like they're the same: http://absolute (or something like that) which causes this project to keep reading from the same place instead of having their own state per browser source. When you hit refresh enough, the queue is emptied and a new playlist is generated by that script.