
SI: Vue 3 Attempts to load JavaScript file from wrong location when using Vue Router lazy loading.

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Describe the bug

When using the Vue Router lazy loading feature (https://router.vuejs.org/guide/advanced/lazy-loading.html) the module tries to load the JavaScript from the wrong URL.

Given a router.js file like
when a <RouterLink> to the ItemDetail route on the HomeItem component is clicked the application tries to load a JavaScript chuck from /js/src_component_ItemDetail_vue.js.

The component chuck is correctly created in the build process and stored in the correct location /DesktopModules/<modulename>/scripts/client-app/js/src_component_ItemDetail_vue.js.

Software Versions

  • DNN: 09.13.01 (0)
  • Visual Studio: 2022

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create simple "details" component
  2. Add a route to the router.js file to the component. Something the description above.
  3. Add a <RouterLink> to the HomeItem component that links to the new component.
  4. Follow the link from the main page.
  5. See the browser developer networking tab or console for error.

Expected behavior

I expect the application to properly load the JavaScript chuck and display the ItemDetail component.

Actual behavior

Does not load because the request returns a 404 as it is using the incorrect URL.


Error log

ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk src_components_ItemDetails_vue failed. vue-router.mjs:3256

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.