
Typings for Algorithm are borken

Opened this issue · 3 comments

realted to :

After 7da7678


	class Algorithm{
		clear(): null;
		write(fs: FileStorage): null;fs: FileStorage, name: String): null;
		read(fn: FileNode): null;
		empty(): boolean;
		save(filename: String): null;
		getDefaultName(): String;


To be clarified :

  • What will be the type of FileStorage ?
  • What will be the type of FileNode ?
	class Algorithm{
		clear(): null;
		write(fs: FileStorage): null;
		read(fn: FileNode): null;
		empty(): boolean;
		save(filename: String): null;
		getDefaultName(): String;

As I always say: code never lies:

I'm checking the function names: static Napi::Value jsopencv_cv_Algorithm_write(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info)
from jsopencv_generated_types_content.h

    Napi::Value* jsobj_fs = NULL;
    Ptr<cv::FileStorage> fs;
    const char* keywords[] = { "fs", NULL };
    if (JsArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(info, "O:Algorithm.write", (char**)keywords, &jsobj_fs) &&
        jsopencv_to_safe(jsobj_fs, fs, ArgInfo("fs", 0))) {
        ERRWRAP2_NAPI(env, _self_->write(*fs));
        return env.Null();;
this call is: Algorithm.write(fs: FileStorage): null;
next down the lines:
    Napi::Value* jsobj_fs = NULL;
    Ptr<cv::FileStorage> fs;
    Napi::Value* jsobj_name = NULL;
    String name;

    const char* keywords[] = { "fs", "name", NULL };
    if (JsArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(info, "OO:Algorithm.write", (char**)keywords, &jsobj_fs, &jsobj_name) &&
        jsopencv_to_safe(jsobj_fs, fs, ArgInfo("fs", 0)) &&
        jsopencv_to_safe(jsobj_name, name, ArgInfo("name", 0)))
        ERRWRAP2_NAPI(env, _self_->write(*fs, name));
        return env.Null();;

or: Algorithm.write(fs: FileStorage, name: string): null;

so the expected interface looks like:

class Algorithm{
  write(fs: FileStorage): null;
  write(fs: FileStorage, name: string): null;

Even if the current implementation of JsArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords will not offer the correct behavior, I will fix that user's small case.

With the current version the second parameter will be ignore, but it easy to fix.

To answer your question FileStorage will stay as FileStorage, and so on for FileNode

to check that open the current jsopencv_generated_types_content.h and look for the section starting with:

// FileStorage (Generic)


// FileNode (Generic)

as I told you before, I prefer to generate a pair or file for each class to improve the development experience and merge them all for the production stage.

A sample class implementation is available in cc-obj/AKAZE.cpp and cc-obj/AKAZE.h in the branch named class.

@UrielCh typings should now be ok in the typings branch, please review #10


The create/constructor convention in opencv is quite obscure for me

I found all versions of it, examples are :

No constructor constructor
no Create Abstract Class like DenseOpticalFlow BOWKMeansTrainer
create DescriptorMatcher or AKAZE BFMatcher

I'm not sure if those behavior can be the same is js, for now i consider it will be the same.
How will new AKAZE() behave ?