
Bindings for cv.min and cv.max

Closed this issue · 18 comments


Is there a possibility to implement cv.min() and cv.max() that compare 2 img-arrays and return an img containing the minimum or maximum values ​​in all pixels, respectively?

We rely heavily on these functions for a specific development. If there is another alternative to using them that would be of great help as well.

Thank you for this wonderful project.


Six thumps up in 22 minutes?

That is easy to implement, but I have to find a new job first... and deal with 2 wheelchair kids for 2 more weeks.

9 thumps up after 26 minutes...

you should also start the project 😃

Six thumps up in 22 minutes?

Its my team 😄

That is easy to implement, but I have to find a new job first... and deal with 2 wheelchair kids for 2 more weeks.

No problem, we are very patient and will help you with whatever you need.


so go shooting star on the project, and I think I can find time to add this simple mapping.

I had just add:

min(src1: Mat, src2: Mat, dst: Mat): Mat;
minAsync(src1: Mat, src2: Mat, dst: Mat): Promise<Mat>;

max(src1: Mat, src2: Mat, dst?: Mat): Mat;
maxAsync(src1: Mat, src2: Mat, dst?: Mat): Promise<Mat>;

can you provide me with a test code to test my mapping ?

for the moment dst is mandatory, I will make it optional later.

that should be good:

import { expect } from 'chai';
import cv from '@u4/opencv4nodejs';

describe('static Min/Max methods added on 2023-03-03', () => {
  const mat1 = new cv.Mat([
    [10, 20, 30],
    [40, 50, 60],
  ], cv.CV_8U);
  const mat2 = new cv.Mat([
    [1, 22, 3],
    [4, 55, 66],
  ], cv.CV_8U);

  it('max', () => {
    const dest = new cv.Mat([
      [0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const expected = new cv.Mat([
      [10, 22, 30],
      [40, 55, 66],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const dest2 = cv.max(mat1, mat2, dest);

  it('min', () => {
    const dest = new cv.Mat([
      [0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const expected = new cv.Mat([
      [1, 20, 3],
      [4, 50, 60],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const dest2 = cv.min(mat1, mat2, dest);
  static Mat methods 2023-03-03
    ✔ max
    ✔ min

is my test correct ?

that should be good:

describe('static Mat methods 2023-03-03', () => {
  it('max', () => {
    const mat1 = new cv.Mat([
      [10, 20, 30],
      [40, 50, 60],
    ], cv.CV_8U);
    const mat2 = new cv.Mat([
      [1, 22, 3],
      [4, 55, 66],
    ], cv.CV_8U);
    const dest = new cv.Mat([
      [0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const expected = new cv.Mat([
      [10, 22, 30],
      [40, 55, 66],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const dest2 = cv.max(mat1, mat2, dest);

Your example is great.

The code I used had to create a javascript function with a loop and Mat.at() comparisons, which had a huge performance loss.

while (true) {
    tmp = marker.copy();
    marker = marker.dilate(kernel);
    marker = min(thresh, marker);

    difference = marker.sub(tmp);

    if (difference.countNonZero() <= 0) break;

I think of the following alternatives what works best for you.

describe('static Mat methods 2023-03-03', () => {
  it('max', () => {
    const mat1 = new cv.Mat([
      [10, 20, 30],
      [40, 50, 60],
    ], cv.CV_8U);
    const mat2 = new cv.Mat([
      [1, 22, 3],
      [4, 55, 66],
    ], cv.CV_8U);
    const dest = new cv.Mat([
      [0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const expected = new cv.Mat([
      [10, 22, 30],
      [40, 55, 66],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const dest2 = cv.max(mat1, mat2 /* , (dest: cv.Mat || undefined) */);

    cv.max(mat1, mat2, dest);

    const dest3 = mat1.max(mat2);
  static Mat methods 2023-03-03
    ✔ max
    ✔ min

is my test correct ?

Yes. It is possible in this way as well

const mat = new cv.Mat([
  [15, 222, 101],
  [27, 245, 66],
], cv.CV_8U);

const matMaxByNumber = cv.max(mat, 100);
// matMaxByNumber
  [100, 222, 101],
  [100, 245, 100],

const matMinByNumber = cv.min(mat, 100);
// matMinByNumber
  [15, 100, 100],
  [27, 100, 66],

This one will not work yet. but that the next step

I need to move to another project,

for now, I can publish a version with the following interface:

// experimental, need improvements / rewrite
export function min(src1: Mat, src2: Mat, dst: Mat): Mat;
export function minAsync(src1: Mat, src2: Mat, dst: Mat): Promise<Mat>;

export function max(src1: Mat, src2: Mat, dst: Mat): Mat;
export function maxAsync(src1: Mat, src2: Mat, dst: Mat): Promise<Mat>;

Errors are currently thrown as strings, I need to fix that too.

That would be perfect. My knowledge in C++ and Node addons is limited, otherwise I would help you with pull requests to further evolve your project. Sorry for taking up your time.

My C++ knowledge is outdated, I stop C/ C++ in 2004 ... so ... you may perform as well as I 😺

So I publish it as Version 6.5.0

Can you try and bench the 6.5.0?

In my scenario it worked like a charm.

while (true) {
  tmp = marker.copy();
  marker = marker.dilate(kernel);
  marker = cv.min(thresh, marker);

  difference = marker.sub(tmp);

  if (difference.countNonZero() <= 0) break;

This is the test case

describe('static Mat methods 2023-03-10', () => {
  it('(max) with optional dest', () => {
    const mat1 = new cv.Mat([
      [10, 20, 30],
      [40, 50, 60],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const mat2 = new cv.Mat([
      [1, 22, 3],
      [4, 55, 66],
    ], cv.CV_8U);
    const expectedArray = [
      [10, 22, 30],
      [40, 55, 66],
    const arDest2 = cv.max(mat1, mat2).getDataAsArray(); // toArray

  it('(max) with dest', () => {
    const mat1 = new cv.Mat([
      [10, 20, 30],
      [40, 50, 60],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const mat2 = new cv.Mat([
      [1, 22, 3],
      [4, 55, 66],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const dest = new cv.Mat([
      [0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0],
    ], cv.CV_8U);
    const expectedArray = [
      [10, 22, 30],
      [40, 55, 66],
    cv.max(mat1, mat2, dest);

    const arDest = dest.getDataAsArray();

  it('(min) with optional dest', () => {
    const mat1 = new cv.Mat([
      [10, 20, 30],
      [40, 50, 60],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const mat2 = new cv.Mat([
      [1, 22, 3],
      [4, 55, 66],
    ], cv.CV_8U);
    const expectedArray = [
      [1, 20, 3],
      [4, 50, 60],
    const arDest2 = cv.min(mat1, mat2).getDataAsArray(); // toArray

  it('(min) with dest', () => {
    const mat1 = new cv.Mat([
      [10, 20, 30],
      [40, 50, 60],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const mat2 = new cv.Mat([
      [1, 22, 3],
      [4, 55, 66],
    ], cv.CV_8U);

    const dest = new cv.Mat([
      [0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0],
    ], cv.CV_8U);
    const expectedArray = [
      [1, 20, 3],
      [4, 50, 60],
    cv.min(mat1, mat2, dest);

    const arDest = dest.getDataAsArray();


static Mat methods 2023-03-10
  ✔ (max) with optional dest
  1) (max) with dest
  ✔ (min) with optional dest
  2) (min) with dest

2 passing (13ms)
2 failing

1) static Mat methods 2023-03-10
     (max) with dest:

    AssertionError: expected [ [ +0, +0, +0 ], [ +0, +0, +0 ] ] to deeply equal [ [ 10, 22, 30 ], [ 40, 55, 66 ] ]
    + expected - actual

    -    0
    -    0
    -    0
    +    10
    +    22
    +    30
    -    0
    -    0
    -    0
    +    40
    +    55
    +    66

    at Context.<anonymous> (test.test.js:50:31)
    at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:466:21)

2) static Mat methods 2023-03-10
     (min) with dest:

    AssertionError: expected [ [ +0, +0, +0 ], [ +0, +0, +0 ] ] to deeply equal [ [ 1, 20, 3 ], [ 4, 50, 60 ] ]
    + expected - actual

    -    0
    -    0
    -    0
    +    1
    +    20
    +    3
    -    0
    -    0
    -    0
    +    4
    +    50
    +    60

    at Context.<anonymous> (test.test.js:97:31)
    at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:466:21)

that works ?
marker = cv.min(thresh, marker);

The 3rd dest parameter is currently mandatory.
that should not work.

Use it as you can, for now, open a PR if you want some more change I used to merge them within the week, or the day.

that works ?
marker = cv.min(thresh, marker);

The 3rd dest parameter is currently mandatory.
that should not work.

Use it as you can, for now, open a PR if you want some more change I used to merge them within the week, or the day.

yes it worked and i believe that changes will not be necessary. Thanks @UrielCh

so I close the issue for now