
Title/Show will not show up

V0l-D opened this issue · 6 comments

V0l-D commented

Playing status doesn't show show name, movie name etc. Could be a issue with Netflix it's api.

V0l-D commented

This issue is harder to fix then expected debugging this error is hard though I will continue to investigate this issue.

Has this been fixed???

V0l-D commented

Not yet ive been sick the past few days however I have looked more into it and there's a way to fix it.

V0l-D commented

Has this been fixed???

Since it's been some time I atleast should let you know that i've came up with a fix, and it now detects again when you play a movie. I only need to make it get the time, episode, name etc.

Has this been fixed???

Since it's been some time I atleast should let you know that i've came up with a fix, and it now detects again when you play a movie. I only need to make it get the time, episode, name etc. image

Ahh thanks man! And get well soon🥺

V0l-D commented

Has this been fixed???

Since it's been some time I atleast should let you know that i've came up with a fix, and it now detects again when you play a movie. I only need to make it get the time, episode, name etc. image

Ahh thanks man! And get well soon🥺

This issue has been solved in V1.0.6, thanks for your patience! 😉