corrupted archive
dolfhd opened this issue · 12 comments
when i install a program in 99 percent it says corrupted archive please look at the USB or the AC
Could you give more informations, please? Like are you downloading to SD or USB?
Beside that, to all beta testers: It seems there's a spike of such reports lately. Is anyone of you able to recreate this? In other words: Do we have the slightest sign of this beeing more than user error?
i am using USB, i didn't see anybody with that error. installing super smash bros it hapens this error
Thanks. I'll do some mass testing next days (on two Wii Us simultaneously) and also I hope beta testers will try to recreate this, so we hopefully get to the root of it fast.
In the mean time: Which Super Smash Bros version are you trying to install (EUR, USA or JAP) ? Also do downloads to SD or NAND work fine?
//EDIT: BTW, the information about a spike of such reports was for other team members, not for you. So just ignore that. I'm noticing such a spike when combining GitHub, Discord and GBATemp reports, that's why I finally start to take this issue serious now instead of just saying it must be user error. ;)
btw it happens with every game that is bigger than 1GB, i install EUR games, i dont have enough space in my SD to try it. Sorry
V10lator can i help with anything?
@dolfhd I'm ill right now, so don't feel good enough to start the mass testing here. DM me on Discord in case you want to help and I'll tell you what needs to be done.
//EDIT: But don't wonder in case I need a longer time to reply. Might just be sleeping or at the doctor or something. :)
Im having the same issue to
@alengamer So it would be nice if you could answer the questions the OP can't answer:
Which Super Smash Bros version are you trying to install (EUR, USA or JAP) ? Also do downloads to SD or NAND work fine?
At least in my case, it also happens when tryng to download to the USB, while before the update it did not
Sorry to say but so far I'm unable to recreate this. In case anyone of you is willing to do extended debugging DM me on Discord, please.
Next one spamming this bug report with useless questions will get banned.