
V1Pi Split

jeffeb3 opened this issue · 3 comments

v1pi.md and it's advanced instructions should be down in learning, or some other advanced place. But there should be a place at the end of the instructions that will help people know it exists. Possibly replace it's current page with a list of advanced features.

"So leave it here for now and until we split it or add some sort of placeholder (quick features page)? I think this is a the more traffic spot. I put headless instead of wireless because I thought that would draw more attention but now it looks a little odd."

Originally posted by @V1EngineeringInc in #46

Oooooh an "issue"...never seen that before super cool like a todo list. You are always teaching me, sensei, thank you.


Yeah, sometimes a never ending todo list...

But you can assign things, or even take assignments so everyone else knows to not do the same work. You can also add labels like, "bug", or "feature" to separate what's debt and what's in the future.

I would hope that eventually, this would end up being pretty functional, although admittedly, I don't see many bugs showing up in the documentation.

Well maybe it would be easier for people to label old pictures or something as a bug if they can't or don't want to fix it. I would be okay with that. Probably be easier than my thousand notes of things to do.