

V1EngineeringInc opened this issue · 4 comments

$ mkdocs gh-deploy
ERROR - Config value: 'markdown_extensions'. Error: Failed loading extension "pyembed.markdown".

Aborted with 1 Configuration Errors!

Never mind, I guess I need to install a few things. Google is my friend...
pip install pyembed-markdown

In case I need that later

Well, feeling a little dense, Jeff left me instructions.

Since this no longer only requires mkdocs as a dependency, there is a requirements.txt.

To make sure you have the requirements, and you’re trying to build the docs on your computer, you can do this:

pip install -r requirements.txt

I recommend doing this in a virtualenv environment, which will let you easily remove the things you’ve installed if you’ve made a mistake.

Darn. I wish I would have seen this earlier. But what you did is ok, just a little harder way to do it.