
Some feedback

rcmaehl opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm off to grab lunch so I'll review more later but the project looks great. There's some additional feedback I have on reducing (or adjusting) AV detections and some personal knowledge having used AutoIt for about a decade now.


Unfortunately, you can't use AutoIt3.exe to execute an AutoIt script with includes in it since the included files won't exist on systems without AutoIt installed.

This is incorrect. Check out the Au3Stripper utility included in SciTE4Autoit. The output _stripped.au3 file should be executable without needing to compile to .a3x


Swap to _ClipBoard_IsFormatAvailable / _ClipBoard_GetDataEx as this shows AutoIt can grab more than just text from the clipboard


_IsPressed is intentionally nerfed. It works okay, but is not the best implementation. I have an example SOMEWHERE that I can send you privately

V1V1 commented

Hey there :)

Just checked out your profile and projects and I'd love to hear more of your feedback,
Thanks a lot for the tips! I'll check your recommendations out during the week and update the repo as soon as I can.

If you'd like to send me anything privately, you can reach me on gabriel[at]thevivi.net.