
Remove all Discord client code and assets

V3L0C1T13S opened this issue · 3 comments

Reflectcord's client proxy currently requires small amounts of Discord client code to function - mainly Discords app HTML, developer page HTML, and landing page HTML.

Discord client code being included and distributed with Reflectcord can potentially cause legal problems, even if it's only a small amount that we use.

This does not mean you won't be able to run the official client anymore, but measures will be taken to ensure that all proprietary Discord code is kept out by default, and that Reflectcord doesn't risk a takedown from providing or maintaining a proxy.

  • Remove all Discord assets and code
  • Remove client proxy
  • Remove all traces of Discord client code from commit history (potentially destructive)

It's better not to offer a client proxy at all. Fosscord got hit with a takedown request from Discord's lawyers for offering this.

Exactly, the client proxy was about to cause a huge trouble to Fosscord, we had to remove it altogether.

Which changes the task list into:

  • Remove all Discord assets and code
  • Remove client proxy
  • Remove all traces of Discord client code from commit history (potentially destructive)

I see. Thanks for the warning - I've updated the task list.