- Landing Page website with scss and bootstrap.
- This a landing page website created by me as internship assignment to get the internship at jugaadhai.
- I found the design prototype on google search and it caught my eye. You can find the original design here.
- Although, I did not completed replicated it!
- This website is currently online you can visit it here
- Header
- Hero Section
- Sign In/Up Form (CTA)
- How it works
- Why Us (Benefits)
- FAQ section (Accordion)
- Testimony
- Footer
- Make it responsive
- I am using bootstrap extensively(don't like to use libraries much) but it was great experience and it increased my speed exponentially.
- I am using SCSS for the first time and it is also awesome. Its definitely worth learning and using.
- Started the project in the morning around 08:30 on 7 May, 2021.
- Created a README file and added tasks and finalized the prototype for the website.
- Installed SASS and got an overview of it from official doc.
- Created index.html with Starter template of bootstrap 5.
- Header contains bootstrap navbar, form and custom hero section. This make the first part of the page complete
- Done with other 2 sections, how it works and why us.
- FAQ section is also done, I used the bootstrap accordion and made some small changes to it. Also hooked the links to the sections in same page
- Completed all the sections of the website. Next task is to make it responsive.
- Completed the website.
- I am planning to use this technologies and tools
- Bootstrap 5
- Clippy (for generating clip path)
- No contribution is accepted