VAST-AI-Research/TripoSR Face Generator using TripoSR

mrbid opened this issue · 0 comments

import os
import secrets
import requests
import numpy as np
import rembg
import torch
import trimesh
from PIL import Image
from tsr.system import TSR
from tsr.utils import remove_background, resize_foreground, to_gradio_3d_orientation
import time

device = "cpu"
model = TSR.from_pretrained(
rembg_session = rembg.new_session()
os.makedirs("ply", exist_ok=True)

#while True:
tt = time.time()
image = remove_background("", stream=True).raw), rembg_session)
image = resize_foreground(image, 0.85)
image = np.array(image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
image = image[:, :, :3] * image[:, :, 3:4] + (1 - image[:, :, 3:4]) * 0.5
image = Image.fromarray((image * 255.0).astype(np.uint8))
with torch.no_grad(): scene_codes = model([image], device=device)
mesh = model.extract_mesh(scene_codes, resolution=256)[0]
mesh.apply_transform(trimesh.transformations.rotation_matrix(np.pi/2, [0, 0, 1]))
mesh.export("ply/" + secrets.token_urlsafe(16) + ".ply")
print("tt: " + str(time.time()-tt))

Remember to use dedicated TripoSR hosting!

Run this using the modified marching cubes from @thatname for 1.3-1.5x speed improvement: #22 (comment)

@flowtyone also has a modified marching cubes using scikit but I am unable to get it working atm: #26