Please help !!! problems with multiple JSON-VBA in MS Access 2019/365

rwiedemannn opened this issue · 3 comments


I use MS ACCESS and simple responses work perfectly.

the VBA-JSON is a great tool, but actually i have a problem to parse items from following json response, if the JSON response is multi-level:


Does anyone have a solution or suggestion for me?
I need the items "orderState" and "tourArrival".....

Many many thanks to the community here !
Best from Rene

Many thanks for the answer. I managed to do it myself today with this code and it works perfectly! Big thanks again!

_Dim JsonORDERstatus As Dictionary
Set JsonORDERstatus = JsonConverter.ParseJson(requestStringORDER.ResponseText)

Me!Text13 = requestStringORDER.ResponseText
Me!FO_ARCH_ENDK_DDF_arrival = JsonORDERstatus("orderStatus")("tourArrival")
Me!FO_ARCH_ENDK_DDF_orderstatus = JsonORDERstatus("orderStatus")("orderState")
Me!FO_ARCH_ENDK_DDF_eta = JsonORDERstatus("orderStatus")("eta")