Is there a limit on array size parsing json?

michaels23 opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm parsing a object with 3408 objects in its 'values' array. When I loop through it (below). I only get 256 entries:

` Set ParsedJson = JsonConverter.ParseJson(http.responseText)

Dim people As New Collection
Dim Contact As Dictionary

For Each Contact In ParsedJson("values")
    Dim person As New person
    people.Add Item:=newPerson, Key:=Contact("id")
Next Contact`

Since 256 strikes me as an 'interesting' number, while I dig deeper, I thought I'd ask if there might be some hard limit I'm bumping up against?

NVM. I incorrectly concluded I only got 256 because that's all the VBA Locals display for a collection.