Small Visual Basic (sVB) is an educational programming language, created by Eng. Mohammad Hamdy as an evolved version of Microsoft Small Basic (SB). It is meant to be easier and more powerful at the same time, to introduce programming basics to kids and beginners of any age, provided that they can use the English keyboard on the Windows OS.
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Accidentally published private or unfinished project to web due to lack of confirmation step
#84 opened by dynamicboy - 4
Array of Controls
#90 opened by Drugo67 - 2
When an image is replaced by another image with the same name, the label should immediately reflect this change.
#88 opened by dynamicboy - 2
Could sVB update project bin folder with newer DLL and XAML files from lib folder based on file modification time?
#86 opened by dynamicboy - 3
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Weird Sting!
#82 opened by dynamicboy - 2
Turbo speed resp. mode for the turtle ...
#81 opened by boa2145 - 4
Using trigonometric functions with sVB ?
#80 opened by boa2145 - 7
GraphicsWindow.FillPolygon() ...
#78 opened by boa2145 - 3
Form added vis LoadForm won't excute code!
#79 opened by dynamicboy - 3
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Can't set label2.image with label1.image
#76 opened by dynamicboy - 4
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Sometimes Can't set GraphicsWindow.BrushColor
#73 opened by dynamicboy - 1
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Inner array elements of a multi-dimensional array seems immutable. I can't change it directly.
#70 opened by dynamicboy - 1
Modifications to a multidimensional array passed as a function parameter are not persisted.
#69 opened by dynamicboy - 2
Gradient forecolor of text in a textbox may cause an exception while inputting with some kinds of input methods.
#40 opened by dynamicboy - 5
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Don't be able to contact you on Facebook ...
#65 opened by boa2145 - 2
Gradual fade-in and fade-out of images ...
#53 opened by boa2145 - 11
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Turtle stamp function for sVB ...
#55 opened by boa2145 - 2
May 1, 2024, Safe the date ...
#56 opened by boa2145 - 7
The method "Pause()" doesn't work with sVB ...
#57 opened by boa2145 - 2
The icon-link to Amazon on the desktop ...
#58 opened by boa2145 - 2
The speed of the turtle and a turbo mode ...
#59 opened by boa2145 - 2
The call to ListBox.AddItem(name) within the Form.OnShown event triggers an error.
#67 opened by dynamicboy - 1
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Dragging a flow chart or geometric shapes onto the form will prevent the form from launching?
#42 opened by dynamicboy - 4
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The checked state of the ToggleButton in the OnClick event conflicts with that in the OnCheck event.
#39 opened by dynamicboy - 2
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Is there any way to remove image of label?
#46 opened by dynamicboy - 1
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ArgumentException booms in Form_OnShow
#63 opened by dynamicboy - 4
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Closing issues that are closed
#66 opened by stuwilmur - 3
After clicking the button on the form, the form is unable to respond to the OnKeyDown event.
#62 opened by dynamicboy - 5
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can we compile to an exe? if not how to share programs without copy/paste the listing?
#34 opened by uturnsystems - 2
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DrawText() and DrawBoundText() for forms ...
#30 opened by boa2145 - 6
Difference between programming key events with GraphicsWindow and a sVB form ...
#29 opened by boa2145