
I can't switch months ๐Ÿ˜ž

MrBouchtaoui opened this issue ยท 6 comments

First i want to thank you for your fantastic calendar ๐ŸŽ‰

I do have a problem, I just think I don't know how to do it correctly.
I can see the callendar on the chat, but I can change month or year just once and than it stops.

I have the following Wizard scene:

const reminderWizard = (userId) => {
	return new WizardScene(
		async (ctx) => {
			await ctx.reply(`What's your name?`);
			ctx.wizard.cursor = 0;
			return ctx.wizard.next();
		async (ctx) => {
			const resp = ctx.message.text;
			ctx.scene.session.state.subject = resp;

			await ctx.reply(`What's your job?`);
			return ctx.wizard.next();
		async (ctx) => {
			const resp = ctx.message.text;
			ctx.scene.session.state.description = resp;
			console.log("Received response: ", resp);

			// show calendar!!!

			return ctx.wizard.next();
		async (ctx) => {
			const resp = ctx.message.text;
			console.log("Received response: ", resp);
			// Hmmm how does this work???
			if (
				ctx.callbackQuery.message.message_id ==
			) {
				res = calendar.clickButtonCalendar(ctx.callbackQuery);
				if (res !== -1) {
					await ctx.reply("You selected: " + res);
			} else {
				await ctx.reply(`Thank you for your payment!`);
			return ctx.wizard.next();
		async (ctx) => {
			const resp = ctx.message;

			console.log("Received response: ", resp);

			await ctx.reply("I registered your subscription");

			return await ctx.scene.leave();

My assumption is that this snippet is not enough:

if (
				ctx.callbackQuery.message.message_id ==
			) {
				res = calendar.clickButtonCalendar(ctx.callbackQuery);
				if (res !== -1) {
					await ctx.reply("You selected: " + res);

Can you please help me with a solution?

Hello, @MrBouchtaoui!
First of all, thank you, Iโ€™m glad that my library was useful to someone)
Did I understand you correctly, you want it to be possible if you select the wrong month, say, to be able to go back to choosing the month?

The problem is that I can press < or > one time and than it stops working.

Calendar starts with January 2024
I press next > I get February
I press next > it stays at February instead of March
I press previous < it stays at February

So the next > or previous < buttons work once and than stop working.
I use the code in my previous post.
I also declared the calendar like this:

let calendar = new Calendar(bot, {
    date_format: 'DD-MM-YYYY',
    language: 'en',
    bot_api: 'telegraf'

I hope you have an idea what might be the problem and how to fix it.

I found the solution after studying your code.

if (
    ctx.callbackQuery.message.message_id ==
    ) {
        res = calendar.clickButtonCalendar(ctx.callbackQuery);
        if (res !== -1) {
	        await ctx.reply("You selected: " + res);
        } else { // rewind this step to handle next button action!

Maybe you can update your examples with a wizard demo. Anyway, thank you very much for sharing this nice library ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ

I understood you.
Today I will try to test and release an update)

Hello, @MrBouchtaoui!
I apologize for the long response, Iโ€™m currently busy with my main work, Iโ€™ll test it and release an update in the near future.

Good afternoon, @MrBouchtaoui!
Sorry for the long response, it was too much work.
Regarding your issue: I tested and carefully studied your comment. The problem occurs due to the use of wizard scene, which is a special case of using the library. A little later I will add a FAQ where I will describe such cases. Thanks for your support and use of the library.