Library Usage
Opened this issue · 14 comments
I downloaded and the Demo sketch work pretty good, but I still don't understand how the library works, I mean, there's a lot of code on the demo sketch and I tried to remove and test, but at some point it didn't work anymore. I just want to show some values on the display, adjusting the brightness, color and size of it. There's any simple way to do it or it's already simple and I don't understood ?
Hello CaitsSB,
i do not understand your question. You have a working example. Modify it.
is this library compatible with 16x32 rgb led?
Hello jhonoryza,
yes, if your led-module use same principle. Let me see module description.
is this library compatible with hub12 connector or hub08 connector ??
i have test with hub08 connector and it works :), my display is RG p7 display 122x16 pixels
i have another question, How to change fonts with this library?usage?
jhonoryza , see adafruit gfx library
Hey, I am a bit confused as to how I will use this library with a 32x12 RGB panel(My panel has a Hub75 connector, the only difference I found was that the CH_D pin is replaced by ground). In the initial test, I connected the gpio pins on my esp32 with the board and just didn't connect the CH_D pin to anything.
The board works and the colors work absolutely fine but the overall shape and design that the code draws is messed up.
Can you give me some pointers on how to remedy this problem
32x12 panel? or 32x32?
Sorry 32 x 16.
Could you point me how would I modify the drawRow function to use just A, B and C. That would be very helpful.
Can you take a picture?
Do you want to see the panel with the code running or just the port...?
And if it's the panel then any task preferences like from any of these helloDemo, wheaterDemo, lavaDemo or primitivesDemo.
Yes. Video?
I actually have a 32x16 panel running your code right now.
The lower half of the screen is bugged through all the demos (looks like random memory?)
I've only changed
#define COLUMNS 32
#define ROWS 16
Interestingly enough, changing ROWS to 32 fills the whole display - but of course cuts/renders graphics out side of screen
Here's a video:
The connector is as follows:
R1 | G1
B1 | GND
R2 | G2
B2 | GND
A | B
C | NC
I purchased it from here:
I wasn't sure if i should create a new issue or not, since this existed.
Maybe you can rename the issue to something more descriptive?