color issue

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, author. Thanks for your excellent work on GNT again.
I tested the code on nerf_synthetic drums model and the result looks good.
But I met an issue that, when it comes to an indoor scene, the color of images predicted looks strange. Just as
It seems that black and white reversed partly. Where lies the problem?

Perhaps I found the key. It is caused by two lines of code in data_loader here.

rgb = rgb[..., [-1]] * rgb[..., :3] + 1 - rgb[..., [-1]]
 src_rgb = src_rgb[..., [-1]] * src_rgb[..., :3] + 1 - src_rgb[..., [-1]]

I attempted to comment them out, and the color of images became normal, but motion blur appeared.
I wonder how they work in the code.

Apologies for the delayed response. Nerf Synthetic images contain 4 channels, the last indicating occupancy of an object in the scene (or simply put a mask of the object). Hence I assume they are not relevant to the dataset you are testing it on. Regarding the motion blur, it is tough for me to comment without the data, perhaps you could point me to the dataset you are testing on (and the checkpoint u are attempting to evaluate) and I could try them locally.

Great appreciation for ur kindness. I get it and have solved the issue. Congratulations on such an excellent work.
Next I'm going to optimize the rendering time. Hope share with me if u have any ideas.