
r.context.registerPhoto is not a function

alanyong91 opened this issue · 1 comments

This is my code

                <div style={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center" }}>
                  {photos.map((p, key) => (
                    <div key={key} style={{ maxWidth: "250px", width: "200px", padding: "5px" }}>
                      <LightgalleryItem group="group1" src={p}>
                        <img src={p} style={{ width: "100%" }} />

and I get this error
r.context.registerPhoto is not a function

But if I remove <LightgalleryItem group="group1" src={p}>, the error gone but lightgallery not functioning.

VLZH commented

@alanyong91 Thx!
I can`t reproduce this error; Would you can to add a link to repo with your code?