
Inventory-Tab medicine and herbs

VarusXX opened this issue · 5 comments

When I open a secoundary inventory (here inventory of a wagon) and I click "medicine" or "herb" icon on the right sight, it changes my inventory on the left side. Other icons work fine. (see picture). Further I found out, that in an inventory of syn_society the icons not shown.
inventory2 8
society_inventory2 8

your first issue , idk what stables is that , with custom inventories they do work.

the second issue the buttons are there but hidden , none of syn scripts will have the items type to work untill he makes changes to adpat to his scripts.

your first issue , idk what stables is that , with custom inventories they do work.

That is gum_stables

the second issue the buttons are there but hidden , none of syn scripts will have the items type to work untill he makes changes to adpat to his scripts.

Thank you

syn scripts will now show the buttons but the functionality wont work as he needs to implement it in his scripts

as for the first issue i do not have that with custom inventories so ill be closing this issue. maybe try update .

you were right, its fixed for issue number 1 update