
it is not a truly new issue but I will take it from start one.

apimo opened this issue · 3 comments

apimo commented
it is not a truly new issue but I will take it from start one.
apimo commented

Here goes:
I downloaded the vpn desktop and installed it. I worked out as expected protected my computer as it was expected. I then transferred some documents and did some other vpn activities without any issues.

  1. I closed the VPN after disconnecting the vpn service and thought that it was ok
  2. I was in need again and wanted to start the VPN again, but it told me that it could not start.
  3. I rebooted the computer but the issue was still there. Then I tried to install the soft, but was not able to overwrite any of the files because they were open.
  4. I now went into the task list an found a lot of vpn task running so i removed all of the tasks.
  5. I now tried to tun the desktop application again but no succes in connecting the vpn.
  6. removing all open VPN tasks and then reinstalling the VPN desktop. and now it connected the vpn as it did the first time I installed it.
    My guess, it does not properly removes itself from task list and close the vpn service by closing the soft.
apimo commented

a bit about my computer: Acer Aspire E15 windows 10 home 64bit operatingsystem 8gb ddr3 memory and 8gb ssd+1000gb hybrid hdd
last night I removed every instance of VPN.ht in task manager and closed my computer. This morning I wanted to launch the vpn but it failed. So I reinstalled the VPN after again having checked that no vpn service was shown in task manage. VPN now up running as it should. Wondering if the SSD part of my HD could be part of my problem

apimo commented

On all my computers (3 Peaces) the openVPNdemon services are not terminated when the wpn.ht is closed and even the computer is shoot down. When the computer starts up again the openvpndemon is still active and prevents the VPN.ht to start up again. To get it to work again, I have in taskmanager to remove the running services and then reinstall the vpn.ht.