
Video not save in local storage give error permission granted code 13 in android 13

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Video not save in local storage give error permission granted code 13 in android 13

permission granted code 13

this type of error show :
Exception while trying to run: [/data/user/0/com.azzuresolutions.videocompressor/files/ffmpeg, -y, -ss, 00:00.0, -i, /storage/309A-100E/DCIM/Camera/20230125_215114.mp4, -t, 00:08.242, -vf, crop=3072:1728:384:216:exact=0, /storage/emulated/0/Download/Video Compressor/fff.mp4]
Cannot run program "/data/user/0/com.azzuresolutions.videocompressor/files/ffmpeg": error=13, Permission denied