
Same job completion time with different profiles

SirTypesALot opened this issue · 4 comments

I've recently discovered that the jobs completion time are equivalent when using profiles of cycling-electric and cycling-regular from ORS, is there any explanation as to why it is? Because I highly doubt that this two profiles would be traveling at the same speed or same roads.

This sounds out of scope for VROOM as we're only consuming the matrices from ORS. If the matrices are identical, you'll get identical results, but that's something you want to check outside optimization. You should really debug this at ORS level: look at ORS logs for requests from vroom, compare responses etc.

I've checked against the matrix output from the ORS, and it does shows different duration and distance values between all of the cycling profiles. The same story when comparing against ORS's own apis.

I've also checked ORS's log, and there were no errors/anything out of ordinary being raised.

Are you sure requests are sent to the relevant endpoint/profile based on your VROOM input? You need to specify this through the profile key for vehicles.

What you can do is use this script to create a standalone problem with embedded matrix. You can then share the two instances you get with different profiles (only the matrices should differ).

Closing as stale.