
Optional Message parameter in Assert.Pass doesn't appear to be used anywhere

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While working on a test today, I noticed the Assert.Pass method had a message param. I used it, but it doesn't appear to output in any of the loggers that I looked at (console, GUI - I didn't actually check xml). Is this used anywhere or did it falls between the cracks during implementation? I can make the changes so it outputs in relevant places, but didn't know if there was a reason or more to story as to it not outputting currently.

Looks like an oversight. The message is passed into the testresult, so it should be available in the logger. Feel free to submit a pull request. You will need to add it to each of the loggers, adding to the console is simple, adding to the others you will need to check, I suspect for the nunit one you just need to add a message node (if message is not empty).

Got it. I'll take care of it. Thanks!