
Wish-List- for- 3D-Forest

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3d Forest Team Thank you for the Awesome software! I love it! In the beginning i had some Problems with crash of the Software but after a while i could handle it! During working with it, i had some thoughts which could improve the Software
-It would be nice if i could see the color of the Layer in the Layerlist behind the name.
-It could be nice to reaname layers or Tree numbers especially in the Layerlist.
-If i select a treecloud it would be nice it the cloud would be highlighted in the Preview!
-Could be good to Shift+Select and Delete all selected Layers. For exampte if the Autotree-Segmentation was wrong and i have to delete 80 Layers, before retry it with other Factors.
Its sad that the Values of the Table are not saved in the Project. If 3d Forest crashes all is gone and some, like the 3D Convex-Hull Calculation, take a lot time and CPU-Power. Or mb just the Option to reimport the Attributs from csv or txt.
-i miss the hight of the CrownCenter Position

  • it would be nice to calculate FLat crown Projektionareas for Windload analysis, you need the Area and the Center of the Area, maybe for different azimut degrees. Like North , North-West....; alternatively biggest and smallest.
  • For the QSM it would be nice to have the Position Values of the "Center of Mass" to evaluate the
    I think it could be nice To Export all Attributes in one Table as a .csv
  • After Calculate the Convex Volume it would be nice to Export the Convex-Hull as a 3d Data of all Tree's, best with the Stem.
    Final-wish: A Tool to calculate directly the Windload on the Crown like : but with the real Crownshape from the Lidar for Treestatic based on Pointclouds.
    Thank you for reading!