
SSR Error with Angular Universal: "ReferenceError: document is not defined"

ODAncona opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Bug Report or Feature Request (mark with an x)
- [ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release)
- [X] Bug report -> please search issues before submitting
- [ ] Feature request
- [ ] Documentation issue or request

Expected behavior:

The library should be compatible with SSR and shouldn't throw an error related to the usage of document or any other browser-specific API.

Current behavior:

When running the application with SSR npm run dev:ssr, an error related to document is not defined appears in the server console.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set up an Angular project with SSR.
  2. Install and integrate the ng2-pdf-viewer library.
  3. Try running the app in SSR mode using the npm run dev:ssr command.
  4. Observe the error related to document is not defined.

Or clone the repo I made for this error

Minimal Reproduction of SSR error

Related code:

I didn't forget to add the canvas dependencies in angular.json as mentionned in the issue #908

        "server": {
          "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:server",
          "options": {
            "outputPath": "dist/ng2-pdf-viewer-test/server",
            "main": "server.ts",
            "tsConfig": "tsconfig.server.json",
            "inlineStyleLanguage": "scss",
            "externalDependencies": ["canvas"]

Error log:

Compiled successfully.
const docStyle =;

ReferenceError: document is not defined
    at Array.Object.defineProperty.value (./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer.js:1559:18)
    at __w_pdfjs_require__ (./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer.js:9072:41)
    at Array.Object.defineProperty.value (./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer.js:552:17)
    at __w_pdfjs_require__ (./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer.js:9072:41)
    at Array.Object.defineProperty.value (./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer.js:53:25)
    at __w_pdfjs_require__ (./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer.js:9072:41)
    at <anonymous> (./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer.js:9245:24)
    at <anonymous> (./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer.js:9279:2)
    at factory (./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer.js:9282:11)
    at webpackUniversalModuleDefinition (./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer.js:25:20)

Node.js v18.17.1
A server error has occurred.
node exited with 1 code.


Angular CLI: 16.1.8
Node: 18.17.1
Package Manager: npm 9.8.1
OS: linux x64

Angular: 16.2.5
... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms
... platform-browser, platform-browser-dynamic, platform-server
... router

Package                         Version
@angular-devkit/architect       0.1602.2
@angular-devkit/build-angular   16.2.2
@angular-devkit/core            16.2.2
@angular-devkit/schematics      16.1.8
@angular/cli                    16.1.8
@nguniversal/builders           16.2.0
@nguniversal/express-engine     16.2.0
@schematics/angular             16.1.8
rxjs                            7.8.1
typescript                      5.1.6

Additional information:

The error seems to originate from a dependency (pdfjs-dist). It's possible that this dependency isn't fully compatible with SSR. If there is a solution or workaround specifically for this library in the context of SSR, it would be appreciated.

I have the same Problem

Same problem too ; Did you solved the issue? Thx

I'm having the same problem, if I reinforce to use Inject(DOCUMENT) wouldn't it solve both for document and for window so it would be possible to reuse it in ssr?

Same error. Any update on this?

Same problem. Did anyone find a way to fix?

const document = new Document() on constructor and solved for me

Has anyone managed to solve this?

Any news ?

Any good news?