

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I just discovered your app and I really like it ! Great work, I was searching for a great annotation tool for Mac, and it seems I finally found it. I would have some suggestions of enhancement in order to make it even more better:

  • The ability to edit an annotation box once it is done (a button next to the delete and edit could be nice)
  • The ability to duplicate an annotation box, or adding many tags to the same box (and so copying them at the export to respect the ml create standard)
  • Adding an option to use lines on the cursor (hard to explain but as on the attached picture - I took from ML Highlight app), so it is easier to select big objects and seing their delimitations. Capture d’écran 2023-07-05 à 16 00 10
  • A specific window to see all the image, sort them, select them, etc
  • Custom color option for tags, that will set the color of each boxes of the wanted tag (and also would highlight their text background color in the tags list when tagging images)
  • Sorting alphabetically tags list when tagging images
  • Zoom / dezoom on images
  • A button to show/hide boxes on the image, or buttons on each boxes to show/hide each one of them

I don't know anything to swift and app development, but I will try to do some one the things I wrote here and push them !

Thank you for your suggestions, I will implement some of these!