
Add the ability to append the first tag to the score, therefore allowing user customizability e.g. decimals

Opened this issue · 1 comments

muuyo commented

What is your desired feature/change?
As the title says; a mod for each theme (I use Clarity) that allows the user to enable appending just the first tag to the end of the score, and then just a blank space as its own tag would innately be skipped. I attempted to look at the CSS to see if this is possible so I could send a PR and save some trouble, but that's completely over my head, so apologies.

Why should this be added?
Being able to add the first tag to the end of the score allows the user to add personal definitions for each score (ala RateYourMusic), makes decimal scores able to be done (at least slightly giving a solution to that common request), and would most likely give more users to each theme as people are constantly asking for it on the forums.

I definitely won't be adding this to all themes. It's at least an hour to code it, bug test, write up a guide if needed, and then add it to the customiser. Generally speaking, if the original author has not created it and it has not been specifically requested, I do not consider it worth the time.

That said, it's not a bad idea overall and I will look into this for my own themes and perhaps Shelter Style Refresh. I can't promise anything, but I'll look into it. The problem with decimal scores is just how jank they can get depending on the theme they are being applied to and how people use such different tag systems on their lists. For many themes they require manual CSS modification for the initial install and any change to your list after-the-fact or the positioning gets screwy. I can design a couple of mods that avoid this for sure, although there will be other drawbacks.

The way I would implement them is to style tags such as ".1", ".2", ".5", etc. If you intended something else and think it should be considered instead of the ".5" tags, let me know.

Beyond this point is just some notes for my future self on the implementation:

  • Decimal mods should have two options, selectable via a "select" option: .5 score mode, and a full .1, .2, .3, etc mode.
  • Clarity and maybe some others could be improved by moving the tags directly after the score column, so there is no manual positioning needed. This would obviously not work with horizontal tags.
  • On some themes such as Brink you may need to use the entire tag section to replace the score section, meaning the loss of tag functionality other then decimals.