
Item Frames, Armor Stands, and Paintings are not interactable/unbreakable on assembled ships and break after moving for a bit.

Andy608 opened this issue · 1 comments

This issue occurs when only Valkyrien Skies and addons are installed and no other mods

  • I have tested this issue and it occurs when no other mods are installed

Minecraft Version


Eureka version


Mod Loader


Issue description

Basically the title. It seems like these types of entity blocks don't quite work on assembled ships.

Issue reproduction

  1. Create a simple platform for your ship.
  2. Add an item frame, painting or armor stand.
  3. Assemble your ship.
  4. Notice that you cannot add items to your item frame or add armor to your armor stand and you cannot break any of them.

Additional notes, this will repro if you put the item frame or armor stand down both before or after the ship assembles.

Thank you!

