
eureka ship none compatibility

Opened this issue · 3 comments

This issue occurs when only Valkyrien Skies and addons are installed and no other mods

  • I have tested this issue and it occurs when no other mods are installed

Minecraft Version


Eureka version

1.5.1 beta.2.jar

Mod Loader


Issue description

when i use ships in 1.19.2 that are biger than 10 blocks near eachover both ships break and wont work no matter what leading you t have to destroy every block to start again im hoping when i make a minecarft server with this mod it will work then but until then its a big issue

Issue reproduction

im not sure it happens without any other mods other than create and valkyrien skies so maybe try that



any way to fix this will help greatly

i have found that it kids starts wrokingwhen u set of a lotr of tnt nearbye but i dunno
