
Plateau output high on restart

Closed this issue · 8 comments

When I reopen a patch using a lot of Plateau wet signal I get really hloud distorted white noise that only goes away if I delete the module or turn wet signal to zero. Mostly it happens when I exit rack with a patch using Plateau (that's every one of mine...!) is running, then I reopen Rack a bit later, its as if all the plate reverb has been storing itself up for release as soon as Rack is running again. I tried replacing Plateau with another plate reverb (NYSTHI Plateverb) and I get no issue.

here's another overdriven noise on startup

Yeah I'm getting the same problem on both my 2013 MacPro and 2019 MacBookPro. Come close to blowing out my speakers and my ears a couple of times. Platueau is definitely the issue.

@millxing Did you by any chance use mschack modules going into plateau?

Correctamundo! My default template uses a MSCHack mixer, with Plateau connected to the send/return. Do you know what's going on? I used the same combination countless times in 0.6 without issue. Thanks!

@millxing It's not plateau. It's an issue with the mixer. I'm assuming it's the unreleased v1 version? I tested it last night and what happens is that the mixer outputs a huge voltage when the patch starts. This then resonates through Plateau.

I've filed this issue with mschack.

ok thanks. You can see why I thought it was Plateau, but sorry for drawing the wrong conclusion.

@millxing No worries! A lot of people using that mixer reported the issue so it's kept me on my toes haha!