
Possibly add PHP by default?

jbremer opened this issue · 4 comments

Although I agree that this feature may not be what everyone wants, for some people it might be nice. Not like I do a lot of PHP coding (luckily.. why should one ever..) but for now I'll add it in my own vimrc by setting g:mta_filetypes.

Sorry, that's outside of the scope of the plugin. It's just for HTML tags.

I was actually talking about embedded HTML in PHP, which is working as-is (as far as I've tested it.)

Anyway, not a big issue.

Great plugin :-)

Ah, you mean as a default filetype? Now that's more interesting. I thought you meant matching php tags.

I've thought about this some more and I've decided against adding PHP as a default filetype. Putting HTML directly in your PHP code is a poor practice so it's often avoided. I'd rather not add a performance overhead (admittedly very small) to all PHP file editing for such users.

People who put HTML directly in their PHP can always add an extra item to g:mta_filetypes.