
Error under python3.6

vitaly-zdanevich opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, after upgrading from Python 3.5 to 3.6 on opening of my Python file I see

Error detected while processing /Users/admin/.vim/bundle/MatchTagAlways/autoload/MatchTagAlways.vim:
line   22:
E887: Sorry, this command is disabled, the Python's site module could not be loaded.


As I found problem is here:

if has('python')
    " Python 2
    py import sys  # this is line 22
    py import vim
    exe 'python sys.path = sys.path + ["' . s:script_folder_path . '/../python"]'
    py import mta_vim
    " Python 3
    py3 import sys
    py3 import vim
    exe 'python3 sys.path = sys.path + ["' . s:script_folder_path . '/../python"]'
    py3 import mta_vim

But why Python 2 if I have Python 3?

Fixed with brew reinstall vim