Too many "FutureWarning"
Closed this issue · 2 comments
my test code is like this #43 (when setting threads=False)
the warning logs:
C: \miniconda3\envs\yfinance\lib\site-packages\yfinance_cache\ FutureWarning: Series.getitem treating keys as positions is deprecated. In a future version, integer keys will always be treated as labels (consistent with DataFrame behavior). To access a value by position, use ser.iloc[pos]
last_open_day = sched["open"][-1].date()
C: \miniconda3\envs\yfinance\lib\site-packages\yfinance_cache\ FutureWarning: Series.getitem treating keys as positions is deprecated.
In a future version, integer keys will always be treated as labels (consistent with DataFrame behavior). To access a value by position, use ser.iloc[pos]
fetch_dt = yfct.ConvertToDatetime(self.h["FetchDate"][idx], tz=tz_exchange)
C: \miniconda3\envs\yfinance\lib\site-packages\yfinance_cache\ FutureWarning: Series.getitem treating keys as positions is deprecated.
In a future version, integer keys will always be treated as labels (consistent with DataFrame behavior). To access a value by position, use ser.iloc[pos]
if ts < sched["open"][i]:
C: \miniconda3\envs\yfinance\lib\site-packages\yfinance_cache\ FutureWarning: Series.getitem treating keys as positions is deprecated.
In a future version, integer keys will always be treated as labels (consistent with DataFrame behavior). To access a value by position, use ser.iloc[pos]
return {"market_open": sched["open"][i].to_pydatetime().astimezone(tz), "market_close": sched["close"][i].to_pydatetime().astimezone(tz)}
C: \miniconda3\envs\yfinance\lib\site-packages\yfinance_cache\ FutureWarning: Setting an item of incompatible dtype is deprecated and will raise in a future error of pandas.
Value 'DatetimeIndex(['2022-10-14 09:30:00-04:00', '2022-10-14 10:30:00-04:00',
'2022-10-14 11:30:00-04:00', '2022-10-14 12:30:00-04:00',
'2022-10-14 13:30:00-04:00', '2022-10-14 14:30:00-04:00',
'2022-10-14 15:30:00-04:00', '2022-10-17 09:30:00-04:00',
'2022-10-17 10:30:00-04:00', '2022-10-17 11:30:00-04:00',
'2023-10-12 13:30:00-04:00', '2023-10-12 14:30:00-04:00',
'2023-10-12 15:30:00-04:00', '2023-10-13 09:30:00-04:00',
'2023-10-13 10:30:00-04:00', '2023-10-13 11:30:00-04:00',
'2023-10-13 12:30:00-04:00', '2023-10-13 13:30:00-04:00',
'2023-10-13 14:30:00-04:00', '2023-10-13 15:30:00-04:00'],
dtype='datetime64[ns, America/New_York]', length=1751, freq=None)' has dtype incompatible with datetime64[ns], please explicitly cast to a compatible dtype first.
intervals.loc[intervals.index[f], "interval_open"] = tis.left[idx[f]].tz_convert(tz)
C: \miniconda3\envs\yfinance\lib\site-packages\yfinance_cache\ FutureWarning: Setting an item of incompatible dtype is deprecated and will raise in a future error of pandas.
Value 'DatetimeIndex(['2022-10-14 10:30:00-04:00', '2022-10-14 11:30:00-04:00',
'2022-10-14 12:30:00-04:00', '2022-10-14 13:30:00-04:00',
'2022-10-14 14:30:00-04:00', '2022-10-14 15:30:00-04:00',
'2022-10-14 16:00:00-04:00', '2022-10-17 10:30:00-04:00',
'2022-10-17 11:30:00-04:00', '2022-10-17 12:30:00-04:00',
'2023-10-12 14:30:00-04:00', '2023-10-12 15:30:00-04:00',
'2023-10-12 16:00:00-04:00', '2023-10-13 10:30:00-04:00',
'2023-10-13 11:30:00-04:00', '2023-10-13 12:30:00-04:00',
'2023-10-13 13:30:00-04:00', '2023-10-13 14:30:00-04:00',
'2023-10-13 15:30:00-04:00', '2023-10-13 16:00:00-04:00'],
dtype='datetime64[ns, America/New_York]', length=1751, freq=None)' has dtype incompatible with datetime64[ns], please explicitly cast to a compatible dtype first.
intervals.loc[intervals.index[f], "interval_close"] = tis.right[idx[f]].tz_convert(tz)
C: \miniconda3\envs\yfinance\lib\site-packages\yfinance_cache\ FutureWarning: Series.getitem treating keys as positions is deprecated.
In a future version, integer keys will always be treated as labels (consistent with DataFrame behavior). To access a value by position, use ser.iloc[pos]
if (not h_intervals.empty) and isinstance(h_intervals["interval_open"][0], datetime):
C: \miniconda3\envs\yfinance\lib\site-packages\yfinance_cache\ FutureWarning: Series.getitem treating keys as positions is deprecated. In a future version, integer keys will always be treated as labels (consistent with DataFrame behavior). To access a value by position, use ser.iloc[pos]
last_open_day = sched["open"][-1].date()
I'm using Window 11 OS.
my Python version:
Python 3.9.18 (main, Sep 11 2023, 14:09:26) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
see dependences' version:
yfance_cache (0.4.7)
yfance (0.2.31)
pandas (2.1.1)
exchange-calendars (4.5)
scipy (1.10.1)
click (8.1.7)
numpy (1.26.0)
pyluach (2.2.0)
python-dateutil (2.8.2)
toolz (0.12.0)
tzdata (2023.3)
korean-lunar-calendar (0.3.1)
pytz (2023.3.post1)
requests (2.31.0)
lxml (4.9.3)
appdirs (1.4.4)
peewee (3.16.3)
beautifulsoup4 (4.12.2)
html5lib (1.1)
colorama (0.4.4)
soupsieve>1.2 (2.5)
six>=1.9 (1.16.0)
webencodgs (0.5.1)
charset-normalizer (3.3.0)
urllib3 (1.26.17)
certifi (2023.7.22)
Workaround is downgrade pandas to 2.0.3
Many fixed in 0.4.8, but I also had to treat Pandas version 2.1+ as broken - pandas-dev/pandas#55487