
Fingerprint changes on refresh

jdsenecal opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm experiencing a strange issue. On initial page load, i get a particular Fingerprint (Print A), but when I refresh the page, I get a different one (Print B).
The two fingerprints are different, but they're consistent. On initial load, Print A always shows, but Print B shows whenever I refresh the page.

Any ideas?
Currently testing on Windows 10.
Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit) appears to be where the issue is occurring.
IE 11 so far appears to be working as expected.

Valve commented

Unfortunately, no. No external GPU. :(
Could it be related to plugins getting loaded on initial page load (adblock being one in particular)?

Valve commented

Even i am facing the same issue and this problem started after updating Chrome to version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit). Any help will be very useful to get the unique id on each refresh.

So, from my perspective, this appears to be due to browser plugins. What I ended up doing was I delayed the generation of the fingerprint until after the page completely loads. This appears to have resolved the issue from what I can see.

I had same issue.

Though I cannot be 100% sure, I believe adding in the constructor the option excludeAdBlock: true seems to have solved it.

I am now getting the same fp over multiple reloads.