How can i create a lobby and start it manually?
Closed this issue · 6 comments
Lix1993 commented
I'm new to gevent, sorry for this simple question.
I wanna create a lobby, invite some people, and start it manually,
How can I do this since I have to use client.run_forever()
Lix1993 commented
I think using while loop and input like this may help, like this
def on_dota_lobby_new(lobby):
print('lobby {} created'.format(lobby.lobby_id))
while True:
in_num = input('''Input:
1: invite all player not in lobby
2: start game
if in_num == '1':
for player in [SteamID(i) for i in Players]:
print('invite player {}'.format(player))
if in_num == '2':
Lix1993 commented
but I cannot create and invite , my code:
client = SteamClient()
dota = Dota2Client(client)
def start_dota():
print('starting dota2...')
print('dota2 started')
def create_lobby():
print('creating lobby')
def on_dota_lobby_new(lobby):
print('lobby {} created'.format(lobby.lobby_id))
while True:
in_num = input('''Input:
1: invite all player not in lobby
2: start game
if in_num == '1':
for player in [SteamID(i) for i in Players]:
print('invite player {}'.format(player))
if in_num == '2':
# client.cli_login()
client.login(username=username, password=password)
Lix1993 commented
[2021-05-16 16:11:16,157] DEBUG SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientToGC: 5452> | CMsgGCClient)>
[2021-05-16 16:11:16,591] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[2021-05-16 16:11:16,591] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[2021-05-16 16:11:16,592] DEBUG SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[2021-05-16 16:11:16,592] DEBUG SteamClient: Multi: Decompressing payload (240 -> 243)
[2021-05-16 16:11:16,592] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientFromGC: 5453> | CMsgGCClient)>
[2021-05-16 16:11:16,592] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientFromGC: 5453>
[2021-05-16 16:11:16,593] DEBUG Dota2Client: Incoming: <ESOMsg.CacheSubscribed: 24>
[2021-05-16 16:11:16,593] DEBUG Dota2Client: Emit event: <ESOMsg.CacheSubscribed: 24>
[2021-05-16 16:11:16,593] DEBUG Dota2Client.socache: Emit event: ('new', <ESOType.CSODOTALobby: 2004>)
[2021-05-16 16:11:16,594] DEBUG Dota2Client: Emit event: 'lobby_new'
lobby 27194914185633053 created
1: invite all player not in lobby
2: start game
invite player 76561198079699992
[2021-05-16 16:11:18,459] DEBUG Dota2Client: Outgoing: <EGCBaseMsg.EMsgGCInviteToLobby: 4512>
[2021-05-16 16:11:18,459] DEBUG SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientToGC: 5452> | CMsgGCClient)>
invite player 76561198299762733
[2021-05-16 16:11:18,459] DEBUG Dota2Client: Outgoing: <EGCBaseMsg.EMsgGCInviteToLobby: 4512>
[2021-05-16 16:11:18,459] DEBUG SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientToGC: 5452> | CMsgGCClient)>
1: invite all player not in lobby
2: start game
[2021-05-16 16:11:49,286] DEBUG Dota2Client: Outgoing: <EDOTAGCMsg.EMsgGCPracticeLobbyLaunch: 7041>
[2021-05-16 16:11:49,287] DEBUG SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientToGC: 5452> | CMsgGCClient)>
Lix1993 commented
there' nothing happens, whats wrong with my code?
rossengeorgiev commented
You never yielded to gevent event loop. You've essentially queued 3 messages. You have to either wait
, sleep
, or idle
or do any io to yield. I would do the code serially first as it would be easier to work with.
from steam.enums import EResult
client = SteamClient()
dota = Dota2Client(client)
# result = client.cli_login()
result = client.login(username=username, password=password) # yield internally
if result != EResult.OK
raise RuntimeException("Login failed")
print('starting dota2...')
dota.wait_event('ready') # explicit yield (ideally you want to have a timeout and handling for it)
dota.create_practice_lobby(lobby_password, lobby_options)
dota.wait_event('lobby_new') # explicit yield
print('lobby {} created'.format(dota.lobby.lobby_id))
# i get what you are trying to do here, but because input blocks it won't work
# unfortunately, this is not trivial problem to solve
while True:
# input blocks the entire thread
in_num = input('''Input:
1: invite all player not in lobby
2: start game
3: wait 15s
4: run forever
if in_num == '1':
for player in (SteamID(p) for p in Players):
print('invite player {}'.format(player))
if in_num == '2':
if in_num == '4':
# this would work for playing about, but its stupid
client.sleep(15) # yield for 15 seconds, and re-prompt
Lix1993 commented