
requireHmd is false but still Could not initialize OpenVR: Error code: Init_HmdNotFound

crdanfitz opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to use the SteamVR plugin for Unity without an HMD or controllers, but with a Tracker (2018).

I imported the camera rig but disabled the Camera and controllers. I then added an empty GameObject with Steam VR_Tracker Object script attached. See setup below.
When running in the editor, I get an OpenVR error:

[OpenVR] Could not initialize OpenVR. Error code: Init_HmdNotFound
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Unity.XR.OpenVR.OpenVRLoader:Initialize () (at Library/PackageCache/com.valvesoftware.unity.openvr@411bd1ecffdc-1614121125000/Runtime/OpenVRLoader.cs:195)
UnityEngine.XR.Management.XRGeneralSettings:AttemptInitializeXRSDKOnLoad () (at Library/PackageCache/

I set requireHMD to false in Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings so I was hoping it would continue when it failed to find an HMD.

Unity Editor 2021.1.12f1
SteamVR: 1.21.4 beta
SteamVR plugin: 2.7.3 (sdk 1.14.15)
OpenXC Plugin: 1.2.8
Windows 10 Pro 64bit, 16GB memory, Nvidia Quadro M3000M

In my case Unity Editor (2021.3.18f1) immediately crashes on play if steam vr is not already open and at least one tracker visible.