- Have a Dev OCP 4.11+ cluster with cluster admin
- Be logged in to cluster as cluster admin via OC
- kubectl
sudo yum install -y kubectl
- yq
wget https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/download/${VERSION}/${BINARY}.tar.gz -O - |\
tar xz && mv ${BINARY} /usr/bin/yq
Setup env
git clone git@github.com:HumairAK/dsp-dev-setup.git ${DEV_SETUP_REPO}
git clone git@github.com:opendatahub-io/data-science-pipelines.git ${DSP_REPO}
git clone git@github.com:opendatahub-io/data-science-pipelines-operator.git ${DSPO_REPO}
Deploy a DSPO
pushd ${DSPO_REPO}
oc new-project ${OPERATOR_NS}
Deploy DSPA
pushd ${DSPO_REPO}
oc new-project ${DSPA_NS}
oc -n ${DSPA_NS} apply -f config/samples/dspa_simple.yaml
Based on the components you want to run locally, the steps are different. For each component, assume a fresh dspo/dsp install from Setup instructions above.
Scale down api server:
oc -n ${DSPA_NS} scale --replicas=0 deployment/ds-pipeline-sample
mkdir output
./main.sh ${DSPA_NS} sample /home/${USER}/.kube/config output
This will generate all the files required to configure API Server deployment.
API Server creates a k8sclient connection using in cluster config, so to emulate this, the above script pulls cluster
certs, and your OC user token in the output
folder. Please don't paste the contents of this folder anywhere public for
your own security.
Copy the creds to the following locations on your file system:
sudo mkdir -p /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount
sudo cp output/ca.crt /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
sudo cp output/token /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
sudo mkdir -p /var/run/secrets/kubeflow/tokens
sudo cp output/token /var/run/secrets/kubeflow/tokens/persistenceagent-sa-token
This simulates an in cluster config similar to what API Server sees, when running inside a Pod.
API Server needs to hook into the db and mlmd, we can port forward both services to allow this:
Now run API Server
export $(cat output/vars.env | xargs)
cd ${DSP_REPO}
go build -o bin/apiserver backend/src/apiserver/*.go
./bin/apiserver --config=../${DEV_SETUP_REPO}/output --sampleconfig=../${DEV_SETUP_REPO}/output/sample_config.json -logtostderr=true
To run PA run the following:
Scale down:
oc -n ${DSPA_NS} scale --replicas=0 deployment/ds-pipeline-persistenceagent-sample
Export env vars:
export $(cat output/vars.env | xargs)
Build and run:
go build -o bin/pa backend/src/agent/persistence/*.go
./bin/pa --kubeconfig=/home/hukhan/.kube/config \
--master=https://api.hukhan-3.dev.datahub.redhat.com:6443 \
--mlPipelineAPIServerName=localhost \
--mlPipelineServiceHttpPort=8888 \
--mlPipelineServiceGRPCPort=8887 \
Currently the kfp-driver creates a cache client that has ml-pipeline service hardcoded, which means it requires an
end point to the k8s api server service named ml-pipeline
. Work around is to tunnel the local api server using an app
like ngrok, and sub that endpoint into the cache client's cacheDefaultEndpoint()
in cache.go
. Then rebuild kfp-driver
and sub this image in the api server's env var V2_DRIVER_IMAGE=your/image
Persistent agent seems to keep encountering transient error
when trying to report workflows to
the api server grpc endpoint. No clue what the issue is here.
Configure go env
go env -w GO111MODULE=on
go env -w GOPROXY="https://proxy.golang.org,direct"