
Vanilla installer does not set /etc/vconsole.conf

VladShmi opened this issue · 14 comments

I am experiencing an issue during the boot process of VanillaOS Orchid where I am unable to select the keyboard layout to decrypt the disk with LUKS2. It's by default in US layout and you can't change it anywhere. That makes it difficult to enter the correct credentials to decrypt disk every time at boot.

This might be a problem with the initramfs, it also shows this error when booting:

Screenshot from 2023-12-19 15-04-44

This is caused by the installer not setting /etc/vconsole.conf, which is sourced to set the keyboard layout in the initramfs.

Isn't this an issue with Albius?

@muhdsalm It might be, but it's not clear yet.

Just setting vconsole.conf sadly doesn't fix the issue.

Isn't this an issue with Albius?

Yes it is, I forgot to transfer it to the albius repository.

@ muhdsalm It might be, but it's not clear yet.

Just setting vconsole.conf sadly doesn't fix the issue.

Yes it does. As I already stated in a comment previously, the initramfs build process sources /etc/vconsole.conf to decide which keyboard layout to use. Albius does not set /etc/vconsole so the keyboard layout gets defaulted to us.

@axtloss I tested it with a custom image and also set vconsole in the installer and it didn't change anything.


Your vconsole configuration is wrong.

Your vconsole configuration is wrong.

I see, I can try with a new config. What do you think is the problem in the config?

Your vconsole configuration is wrong.

I see, I can try with a new config. What do you think is the problem in the config?

I think you should put
instead of

but I'm not sure.

It would be nice if it worked! Could you then explain what need to be changed to work?

On a # 113 beta version installed in a VM, I added KEYMAP="fr-oss" to /etc/vconsole.conf with
host-shell pkexec abroot nano /etc/vconsole.conf
and I update intramfs with
host-shell pkexec abroot update-initramfs
it didn't work.
Then I tried changing to KEYMAP=fr only and changed in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf

# KEYMAP: [ y | n ]
# Charger une configuration de clavier à l'étape d'initramfs.


and I updated again intramfs with
host-shell pkexec abroot update-initramfs
but still it doesn't work.

Fedora silverblue face a similar issue and don't manage to solve it at install but at least there is a guide to solve the issue after install
The command is
rpm-ostree initramfs-etc --track=/etc/vconsole.conf

I hope we can soon at least have a similar guide to solve this issue post-installation if it's difficult to solve the issue for now at installation time.

axtloss said it has something to do with missing keymaps or something, which apparently is a debian issue but I haven't looked into it.

So it seems I accidentally fixed this problem in ABRoot with Vanilla-OS/ABRoot@d2508d1

This commit just added the /etc/ overlay to the chroot so the mkinitramfs would see /etc/default/keyboard (/etc/vconsole.conf)

Not sure if this is the only relevant config here but I guess something similar could be done for the installer.