
Doesn't inject on restart

PnsDev opened this issue · 12 comments

The title says it all (you have to turn it off and on)

just to make sure, by "restart" you mean closing and reopening discord (or refreshing)?

Yeah, that and also CTRL + R

can you make sure that switching between channels doesn't fix it, also check the console for errors if any

After some inspecting within the console, the plugin isn't loading when discord restart. Trying to unload it throws the following error:
[Powercord] Tried to unload a non loaded plugin ([object Object])
After loading it by turning the plugin off and on, the "Plugin loaded" message comes up for the first time and the error stated above no longer occurs.

ah i see, my plugin tries to unload the default codeblocks plugin on startup. wasn't aware that it threw an error when it was already disabled. I'll be working on a fix for this today.

Fixed by 456c39f

Hey the issue is still occurring after updating to 456c39f

@PnsDev can you screenshot what the error looks like now

Still the same errors when unloading and loading after a restart. Nothing relating to the plugin comes up on start which makes me feel like it's not starting alongside powercord.

Just to double check, please run git rev-parse --short HEAD in the plugin directory, and attach a screenshot the error for me, along with the output of the former command.


[Powercord] Tried to unload a non loaded plugin ([object Object])

This actually never was a breaking issue and happens with everyone. Your issue must have a different cause. Try searching for another error?

Closing this due to inactivity