
Error applying option 'blend' to filter 'tvai_up': Option not found

MapleGateway opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm very new to all this so apologies in advance if I've goofed something.

Using this export command from Topaz:

ffmpeg "-hide_banner" "-i" "in.mkv" "-sws_flags" "spline+accurate_rnd+full_chroma_int" "-color_trc" "1" "-colorspace" "6" "-color_primaries" "6" "-filter_complex" "tvai_up=model=prob-3:scale=0:w=1620:h=1080:preblur=0:noise=0.7:details=0.7:halo=0:blur=-1:compression=0:estimate=20:blend=1:device=0:vram=1:instances=1,scale=w=1620:h=1080:flags=lanczos:threads=0" "-c:v" "tiff" "-pix_fmt" "rgb48le" "-compression_algo" "deflate" "-start_number" "1" "out/%06d.tiff"

I get this error:

Error applying option 'blend' to filter 'tvai_up': Option not found

If I remove blend=1 it does work but I do need blend.
If I specify the path to Topaz's ffmpeg, I don't get the error and it works as expected, but I'd like to use this ffmpeg build.

Any ideas?

Vargol commented

Hi. I'm not no in a position to test anything at quiet this moment.
Can you check the script is using the latest version of the Topaz redistribution , it should be

echoSection "compile ffmpeg with topaz"
$SCRIPT_DIR/ "$SCRIPT_DIR" "$WORKING_DIR" "$TOOL_DIR" "$OUT_DIR" "$CPUS" "" > "$WORKING_DIR/build-ffmpeg-topaz.log" 2>&1

TIL about commits... I had just downloaded the 3.0 release but I see you just released 3.1 with this fixed as well

Thank you very much!