What's the issue with just compiling the damn thing?
ultratiem opened this issue · 3 comments
ultratiem commented
Just release a complied binary. whats the problem???
prepare workspace
use 10 cpu threads
compile cmake
took 143s
compile pkg-config
took 45s
compile FriBidi
took 7s
compile zlib
took 2s
compile libpng
took 5s
compile brotli
took 5s
compile freetype
took 9s
compile harfbuzz
took 14s
compile libass
took 5s
compile fdk-aac
took 49s
compile x265
took 27s
compile svt-av1
took 10s
compile ogg
took 2s
compile vorbis
took 3s
compile aom
took 149s
compile openh264
took 6s
compile x264
took 8s
compile vpx
took 11s
compile lame (mp3)
took 15s
compile opus
took 8s
compile ffmpeg
check failed: build ffmpeg
Super useful error message.
Vargol commented
All the builds have their own log file, perhaps you should check those for a useful error message.
What you're probably hitting is an issue with SVT-AV1 who have managed to use duplicate symbol names to libaom's av1 library.
Waiting for them to push that fix ATM.
I can't release a binary, fdk-aac is a non free library and I'd be breaking the law if I did so.
AnimaInCorpore commented
Adding --disable-htmlpages
to the ./configure
arguments in the ./build/build-ffmpeg.sh
script did the trick for me.