
A real estate property portal to assist with finding the right home to rent or buy. It focuses more on the renting market, gathering rent listings within people's desired filters to choose the right home.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rently - react.js

A React + Vite + Firebase + Tailwind + DaisyUI app. FINISHED

Project 3 of the 'React Front to Back 2022' Udemy course, with my own twist in layout design and features.

Link to app: https://rently-marketplace.netlify.app/



  • Tailwind CSS for layouts
  • Firebase Auth: Login, Register, Logout, Google Auth, Profile page
  • Firestore Database
  • Explore page with Sale or Rent categories
  • Listings that when clicked open a listing page that contains a gallery slider and information fetched from Firestore
  • User profile page where listings can be created, with images, name and property information
  • User created listings can be deleted and edited only when same user is logged in
  • Contact landlord page that allows users to send email to person who posted
Table of Contents
  1. App Screenshots
  2. General Info
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Status
  6. Contact

App screenshots

Explore Page
Rent Category Page
Listing Page
Listing Page 2
Profile Page
Create/Edit listing Page
Contact landlord Page
Register Page Login View
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Responsive Navigation Bar
Technologies used
  1. React.js
  2. TailwindCSS layouts
  3. DaisyUI library for components
  4. VSCode

General Info

  • A property renting platform where users can post their listings to sell or rent
  • Users can use it to browse available listings and get in contact with landlords

Learning Outcomes

  • The target learning outcomes are:
    • Further expand React skills
    • Learn to use Firebase firestore
    • Practice with CRUD functionality with creating rent listings, deleting and editing them.



  • Clone Project
  • npm install

  • npm run dev

Project Status

Project is: Work in Progress


Created by [Vasil] - feel free to contact me!