partner_credit_limit V10 credit limit does nothing
Closed this issue · 3 comments
rzgarabedi commented
hi i installed your module today and for example i set a costumer credit limit of 10000 IRT .
IRT is iran toman and i create this currency by myself when i set credit limit to a number it didnt show any currency field in front of it so after confirming invoice even if the amount is higher than the credit limit the sale can be invoiced and no error showing am i missing some thing here? any help is much appreciated.
nhomar commented
The credit limit must be loaded in the currency of the company, let me know if it helps.
rzgarabedi commented
im only using one currency right now. how to load credit limit in company currency?
rzgarabedi commented
i couldnt find this can you plz prodive me more detail on how to setup credit limit?