
[1.20.1] Various animations are broken with Sodium / Embeddium installed

unilock opened this issue · 2 comments

Mod Loader

Both Fabric and Forge (I confirm that I have tested both loaders and will specify both loader versions below)

Minecraft Version


Botania version


Modloader version

Forge 47.1.3 / Fabric Loader 0.15.7 + Fabric API 0.92.0

Modpack info


The latest.log file


Issue description

With Sodium or Embeddium installed, various animations from Botania are broken: Sparks, the Alfheim portal, the Matrix Wings, etc. They all appear to be frozen.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Fabric / Forge, Sodium / Embeddium, Botania, dependencies
  2. Create a new world in Creative mode
  3. Execute /give @s botania:flight_tiara{variant:9}; equip the Tiara
  4. Press F5; the wings do not appear to be animated

Other information

Sparks will become animated if looked at directly; this does not apply to any of the other mentioned animations.

Continuation of #4517.

Disabling "Animate Only Visible Textures" in Sodium's settings works around the issue.

Closing my issue in favour of this one because it's more descriptive.