
SpectrumTools/HUDHandler crash

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Randomly the game crashes with the report of "SpectrumTools.getFFTCalculation" "HUDHandler.renderSpectrumAnalyzer" and "HUDHandler.onDrawScreen"

I need a full log.

Ah right, sorry about that. Here's the pastebin:

Huh, odd. I'll fix it.

It is probably pointless saying this but I had the same crash (, but I guess a second crash log won't hurt anyone (or maybe it will, who knows :D)

Hello @Vazkii ,

As I'm not one to visit any social media anytime soon, I was hoping you would see this issue on your Github page which is specifically for reporting issues not twitter or irc. I've got this crash report: I like your mod but the game WILL randomly crash due to this report above. If I have to waste my time setting up a twitter account or figure out how to do irc, I might as well not use your mod. I'm not trying to be rude I'm just not interested in going anywhere else except github.

MC: 1.10.2
Minetunes: 1.2-9

Random Crash with Hudhandler same as above.